Dining & Wine

Cooking With Intervin’s Winery of the Year (Recipe!)

November 20, 2019

With CedarCreek Winery in B.C.’s Okanagan winning the 2019 Intervin Winery of the Year, launching its Home Block restaurant, achieving organic certification and debuting a newly designed label, we thought it was high time to celebrate by sharing a delish winter recipe that includes these wonderful wines! —Vita Daily


CedarCreek Rigatoni

12 mild Italian sausages, uncased and roughly broken into pieces
1/4 bottle CedarCreek red wine (your choice!)
1/2 28 oz tin San Marzano tomatoes, crushed with a good pinch of salt and pepper
500 ml chicken stock
1 pkg dried rigatoni or your favourite pasta
4 tbsp sour cream
4 tbsp chopped Italian parsley
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
Pecorino romano or parmesan cheese to serve

Preheat oven to 325 F. In a heavy based dutch oven over medium-high heat fry the sausage meast till golden brown and nicely caramelized, breaking any larger pieces with a wooden spoon. Pour wine into pan, scraping the bottom with wooden spoon to lift all the caramelized sausage meat, and reduce wine by half. Add crushed tomatoes and bring to a simmer. Add chicken stock and bring back to a simmer. Season with salt and pepper if needed, cover with tight-fitting lid and put in oven for 45 minutes to an hour, stirring half way. For last 15 mninutes of cooking remove lid and let top of ragu slightly caramelize.. Ragu is ready when liquids have reduced by about three-quarters and it looks thick and nicely reduced. Meanwhile, put large pot of salted water to boil and cook pasta. To serve bring ragu up to boil and add sour cream, parsley and vinegar and cook till ragu is thick and glossy and slightly creamy. Add pasta to ragu, gently bring the two together in the pan and serve onto warmed plates. Grate some cheese over and tuck in!



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