
Here’s What Happened When Samsung Got Down On One Knee

September 27, 2023

A cellular stunt happened in early September in Toronto and Vancouver, that saw some lucky Canadians snag a new phone. Samsung Canada partnered with Canadian creator Saif Shawaf to surprise unsuspecting Torontonians and Vancouverites on the street, asking if they would marry him join the flip side. We chatted with Saif to find out what happened when he got down on one knee! —Vita Daily

Hi Saif! Please tell us a bit about yourself to start.

I’m a Canadian short form content creator with an audience of over 12 million followers across all platforms. My videos mainly consist of street style interviews. I’m mostly known for my “make me laugh” videos and recently I’ve been focusing on my new series “Talent on The Streets” where random people on the streets show me their talent for a chance to win a cash prize.

Last weekend, you joined Samsung in “proposing” to Canadians in Vancouver and Toronto; what was the aim of these activations, how’d you get involved, and why did this experience appeal to you?

With the launch of the Galaxy Z Flip5, Samsung created a fun moment to inspire Canadians to let go of the status quo and consider joining the “flip” side. Before this partnership, while I was definitely interested in the concept of a folding smartphone and thought it was a fun Y2K throwback, I wasn’t aware of all the cool content capture opportunities possible due to its foldable form. Samsung Canada reached out with a cool “proposal” and when I learned more about the Galaxy Z Flip5, I couldn’t help but get excited by the possibilities and was stoked to share with my audience and other Canadians on the street. Especially as a TikTok creator who regularly shoots content on a mobile device. I also love surprising people, and who wouldn’t be surprised by a proposal and a brand new phone?

Why do you think Canadians should “flip the switch” by trading in their traditional smartphone for the y2k-inspired flip phone of their dreams: the Galaxy Z Flip5?

While the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 does evoke nostalgia, it also does a lot more than the flip phones we had back in the early 2000s. The biggest difference for me is the Flex Window i.e. the cover screen. We’re so absorbed in our devices these days and I like how I can stay connected and do a bunch of stuff without unfolding or opening the device. It’s easier to stay in the moment that way, and still read texts or reply to calls. And it fits in my pocket easily when folded which is a huge bonus. Also, if you’re a content creator like me, this phone is fantastic for that too. Being able to fold the device to your desired angle, set it down and capture photos and video is awesome! It’s so much easier to be spontaneous with what you are capturing when you’re not stopping to set up a tripod or needing to ask people on the street to help you get the perfect hands-free shot. It adds authenticity when you don’t have to pause a moment, set up equipment and then get back in pose.

What are your favourite three phone features?

The fact I can fold it up is my number one. The Galaxy Z Flip5 is so different from a standard smartphone and that’s exciting for me. Also, there’s unexplainable satisfaction from ending a call by folding it closed. Maybe it’s the nostalgia factor. My next favourite feature is the Flex Window. I love how much you can do without unfolding the device thanks to all the widgets available and the ability to text and call right from your cover screen. Flex Window is also great for when you’re shooting photos and videos hands-free with the main camera. It shows you a preview so you can see what you’re capturing as you capture it, making it easier to get “the” shot on the first take.

Of the proposals you made over the weekend, which was your favourite/was most memorable and why?

While they were all fun, the most memorable proposal was the first one we did at the Distillery District in Toronto. I was holding the sign “what do you miss about your flip phone?” and it sparked great conversations reminiscing about the old days. There was a moment with the person I ultimately proposed to, where we re-enacted what it was like back in the day to be in an argument and snap your phone shut. It was just such a fun example of how connected we all are through these shared experiences with our technology!


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