
Transform Your Health This New Year

February 4, 2024

With 2024 now in full swing (and, it seems, busier than ever), it’s all too easy for our health to take a back seat amid the hustle and bustle. For those who want to stay healthy and on track this year, but don’t know where to start, try Saltwater Co, which offers a proprietary blend of Himalayan pink salt and electrolyte-infused water, completely free of synthetic ingredients. We chatted with founders Courtland Livesly-James and Jordan Pilosof to find out more. —Noa Nichol

Please tell us a bit about yourselves to start.

Jordan: As an elite athlete, understanding what our bodies need for optimal performance is a topic I’ve always been passionate about. Since a young age, I played competitive tennis and wrestled D1 in University, giving me an interest in finding a product like Saltwater Co. As an athlete, I was always looking for something that could have aided in avoiding cramps and facilitating easy hydration without synthetic additives or anti-caking agents that are found in traditional sports drinks. As someone who is constantly on the go and active, regular water just doesn’t cut it and Saltwater Co offers my body the appropriate hydration because of its enhanced bioavailability. I also run a personal training business and strive to offer my clients a product that tastes great and has zero sugar or chemicals during their sessions.

Courtland: I started my career working in an extremely competitive corporate culture which asked me to sacrifice time and health for my career. As time went on, I realized I needed a change and started educating myself on diet and the health benefits of fasting. From there, I started to eliminate foods from my diet and became very mindful of what I was putting into it, and found most of what people ate was filled with unproductive ingredients. I started layering good salts into my diet and noticed an immediate shift in how I felt and how I was performing. I haven’t looked back since.

When and why did you launch Saltwater Co? What niche were/are you aiming to fill?

We launched Saltwater Co in the summer of 2022 and noticed a gap in a very competitive but massive and scalable enhanced water market. We wanted to create a product that was incredibly pure with zero additives and aimed to provide the body with essential minerals necessary for hydration compared to regular water, all while ensuring a taste that is free from synthetic elements. Saltwater Co is for everyone and anyone who is looking to start creating and making mindful choices for a happier and healthier lifestyle.

What products/services do you currently offer, and what makes them unique?

A Canadian-born beverage brand, Saltwater Co currently offers a distinctive line of water centred around Himalayan Pink Salt. Our specialization lies in providing a unique electrolyte-infused drink crafted without any synthetic ingredients. What sets our product apart is our unwavering commitment to wellness, promoting a re-evaluation of health through the use of natural, high-quality ingredients. We take pride in dedicating ourselves to mindful choices that contribute to a happier and healthier lifestyle, making our electrolyte-infused water stand out in the market for its purity and genuine focus on well-being.

What are some misconceptions around salt that you would like to clear up? Also, are all salts created equal?

The biggest misconception we would like to clear up is that consuming salt is bad for you, when it comes to proper hydration and optimal physical performance, it’s closely linked to the central role of salt. Being dehydrated not only reduces time to exhaustion, decreases VO2 max, and increases the risk of muscle cramps but also highlights the importance of consuming the right amount of salt and water before exercise, as studies have demonstrated a statistically significant performance improvement. While all salts are inherently similar, their distinct procurement methods influence their varied consumption. At Saltwater Co, we employ a proprietary mix of mineral-rich salts and electrolytes, that deliver numerous health benefits.

When it comes to health (yup, in the New Year), how can your Himalayan pink salt and electrolyte-infused water help us stay on track with our goals?

Drinking Himalayan salt water is a conscious choice to nourish your body with something great. Not only does this serve as an incredible hydration drink but it helps build the conscious momentum to make healthier choices throughout the day. We find for most of us, a simple reminder to get active, choose the healthier option, or be mindful throughout the day goes a long with accomplishing big things.

Your favourite way(s) to incorporate Saltwater Co into your personal routine?

Jordan: I love using Saltwater when I first wake up to hydrate after my sleep and incorporate it during and before my workouts. The versatility of Saltwater Co extends to its formulation, designed to be consumed throughout the day as an isotonic option. With its pure and crisp aftertaste, it consistently satisfies my hydration needs.

Courtland: No questions asked, it’s the best drink to consume first thing in the morning. As part of my morning routine, I will drink around a litre of our salt water, not only does it wake me up without caffeine but it makes sure I’m ready for whatever the day throws at me.

Win! A 24-Pack Of Saltwater Co Water!

Congrats Angela W. of Brampton, ON, who will receive a 24-pack of Saltwater Co water! Please note: if you are the winner, you will receive a DM (direct message) in Instagram directly from @vitadailymedia. Please be wary of fake accounts, which often use similar handles with an extra or missing letter, number or symbol. We will never ask for a payment or for your credit card number, and we will never ask you to click through a link. If you are unsure whether you have been contacted, via Instagram, by us or a fake account, email us before responding.


  1. Kay burke

    February 6th, 2024 at 10:40 am


  2. Xu Li

    February 6th, 2024 at 9:56 pm

    Sleeping! @xuliang889

  3. Hoda

    February 11th, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Staying hydrated and sleeping well!
    FB: Hoda Montazeri Motlagh

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