
International Women’s Day Profile: Eva Gates Of Sequoia Company of Restaurants

March 4, 2024

To celebrate this International Women’s Day (and really, shouldn’t that simply be everyday?!), we’re profiling some incredible women in the lifestyle space. Meet Eva Gates, VP of operations and HR, Sequoia Company of Restaurants—Noa Nichol

Hi Eva! Please tell us a bit about yourself to start.

I have worked with Sequoia Company of Restaurants (The Teahouse, The Sandbar, Cardero’s and Seasons in The Park) for 24 years. I focus on building teams and leading with integrity and honest communication. 

What does a typical day entail for you?

My daily routine involves traveling to various restaurants, liaising with management teams, and engaging with staff across all levels, both in the back and front of the house. I oversee hiring and recruitment efforts while ensuring that the company maintains and enhances high standards of cleanliness and operational procedures.

How does your company promote gender empowerment?

We actively promote gender diversity within our organization, with many women holding key leadership positions in both our restaurants and head office, where 75% of the staff are women. I began my journey in this industry years ago and has since cultivated an environment conducive to the growth of women within the company, supporting those with aspirations for advancement.

How do you cultivate a supportive environment for yourself and your team?

I prioritize an open management style, fostering an environment where all conversations are welcomed and valued. Additionally, I provide extensive one-on-one coaching and encourage a culture of feedback, allowing everyone the opportunity for self-awareness and professional growth.

Who has been the most influential mentor in your life?

It’s challenging to single out one specific mentor or influence, as I’ve had the privilege of working alongside numerous successful entrepreneurs throughout my career, each leaving a lasting impact on me.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

I take great pride in witnessing individuals progress from entry-level positions to senior leadership roles within our organization. The majority of our management team has experienced internal growth, which is incredibly rewarding to see.

What’s your favorite meal to prepare or enjoy after a long day?

After a hectic day, I find solace in preparing roasted salmon paired with my favorite homemade Greek salad.


  1. Luis Gomez

    March 7th, 2024 at 1:47 pm

    The power you have is to the best version of yourself you can be so that you can create a better environment for your teams & clients!!!!

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