Décor & Design

Long Weekend Craft: Make A Scrap Materials Quilt

May 20, 2024

Making a quilt out of scrap materials and old clothes is a wonderful way to recycle and create something unique and meaningful. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Materials Needed:

  • Various scrap materials and old clothes
  • Scissors or rotary cutter
  • Cutting mat (if using a rotary cutter)
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread
  • Pins
  • Quilting ruler
  • Iron and ironing board
  • Batting (the quilt’s inner layer)
  • Fabric for the quilt backing
  • Thread


  1. Gather Materials:
    • Collect all the scrap fabrics and old clothes you want to use. Wash and iron them to ensure they are clean and wrinkle-free.
  2. Prepare the Fabric:
    • Cut the clothes and scrap materials into usable pieces. Remove any zippers, buttons, or seams that you don’t want in the quilt.
    • Decide on the size and shape of your quilt blocks. Common sizes are 4×4 inches, 6×6 inches, or larger squares, but you can choose any shape you like (rectangles, triangles, etc.).
  3. Cut the Quilt Blocks:
    • Use a quilting ruler and rotary cutter (or scissors) to cut your fabric into uniform blocks. The more precise you are with your cutting, the easier it will be to sew the blocks together.
  4. Lay Out Your Design:
    • Lay out the quilt blocks on a flat surface to plan your design. Arrange them in a pattern that you like. You can go for a random look or create specific patterns or shapes with the blocks.
  5. Sew the Quilt Top:
    • Begin sewing the blocks together. Start by sewing small groups of blocks into rows. Place two blocks right sides together, pin them, and sew along one edge with a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Continue adding blocks to complete the row.
    • Press the seams open or to one side with an iron as you go.
    • Once you have your rows, sew the rows together, matching seams carefully. Press these seams as well.
  6. Add the Batting and Backing:
    • Once the quilt top is finished, lay it out flat. Place the batting on top, followed by the backing fabric with its right side facing up.
    • Make sure all layers are smooth and free of wrinkles. Trim the batting and backing fabric to match the size of the quilt top.
  7. Baste the Quilt Layers:
    • Pin or baste the three layers together to keep them in place while you quilt. You can use safety pins, basting spray, or hand baste with long stitches.
  8. Quilt the Layers:
    • Quilt the layers together by sewing through all three layers. You can quilt by hand or use a sewing machine. There are many quilting patterns you can follow, such as straight lines, diagonal lines, or free-motion quilting.
    • Start quilting from the center and work your way out to prevent bunching.
  9. Trim and Bind the Quilt:
    • Trim the excess batting and backing fabric to match the quilt top.
    • Cut strips of fabric for the binding. Typically, binding strips are 2.5 inches wide and long enough to go around the edges of the quilt.
    • Fold the binding strips in half lengthwise and press with an iron. Pin the binding to the front edge of the quilt, aligning the raw edges. Sew the binding to the front, then fold it over to the back and hand stitch it in place.
  10. Finishing Touches:
    • Inspect the quilt for any loose threads and trim them.
    • Give your quilt a final press with the iron to ensure it looks neat and finished.


  • Mix and Match: Feel free to mix different types of fabric (cotton, denim, flannel) for a textured look.
  • Color Coordination: Try to use colors that complement each other, but don’t be afraid to be bold and eclectic.
  • Personalization: Add patches, embroidery, or appliqué to personalize your quilt even more.

Making a quilt from scrap materials and old clothes is a rewarding project that gives new life to old fabrics. Enjoy the process and the memories that each piece of fabric brings to your quilt!


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