
7 Ways To Level Up Your Business In 2024

June 10, 2024

When you want to take your business to the next level, but aren’t willing to grind away in the hustle culture, where do you turn for business support in 2024? Every entrepreneur needs outside perspective and expertise, especially around aspects of their business they aren’t necessarily boss at. However, you may have noticed the industry is flooded with ‘experts’ who are amazing at their own marketing, but not necessarily at delivering on their promotional promises. We’ve encountered this scenario more than once (!) which has prompted this round up of next-level support for entrepreneurs who are ready to level up in 2024, without grinding. Monica Krake

Because ‘Who not how’ is a motto for many this year (the idea that our relationships and connections can open doors in business faster than doing it alone) AND because many businesses are realizing that rest and alignment lead to the greatest productivity, the Conscious Circle was launched by founder Jenna Herbut, and meets monthly at Conscious Lab in Vancouver for networking and connection. Similarly, but based online, the SheVolve Collective offers a combination of incredible facilitated conversations and networking opportunities for mission-driven female entrepreneurs. 

If you’ve heard of Dan Sullivan’s book (and movement!) 10x is easier than 2x,  you know that taking a global perspective on your business can usher you into your next level more effectively than anything else. This is one of the principles behind The Business Activation by Head + Heart, a unique offer that gives businesses 1:1 coaching to create a big picture strategic roadmap to reach their 10x vision. Includes a combination of 1:1 strategic guidance on all aspects of your business and marketing, with concrete directions for getting you to your next level of success and impact. Runs every three months. Apply here.

Renowned author Danielle LaPorte has just launched the Inner Circle, a Business Mastermind (described here) that gives entrepreneurs monthly access to her world-class team of experts, and the chance to mastermind with like-minded entrepreneurs, along with a live retreat experience. She also offers a Heart-Centered Leadership Program, which provides business support to leaders of all kinds. Another great Mastermind option is Ana Lilia’s Dream Bigger Mastermind, which helps entrepreneurs regulate their nervous systems, and claim their mission, in order to manifest their dream work in the world. 

1:1 mentorship and guidance can be a game changer for a business. If you’re looking for a coach, Lara Kozan, founder of YYoga and Nectar Juicery, offers several 1:1 coaching packages, to help entrepreneurs align with their true mission and bring that to life. And if you want a team of experts to create a strategic business plan for you, The Social Agency in Vancouver specializes in creating strategic marketing plans based on proven strategies, to help businesses maximize all aspects of their business and marketing, strengthen their online presence and branding and boost sales. 

Investing in mentorship is THE thing most entrepreneurs wish they had done sooner. Whether you’re a spiritual entrepreneur or not, when it comes to business in 2024, self-care, connections and clarity are the keys to success. 


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