Considering the fact that water makes up approximately 70% of a human being’s body weight, it makes sense that we need at least eight glasses a day to replenish.
But we’re fancy, and we like our water to be fancy, too.
Enter the SodaStream, which magically (or, scientifically, whatever) makes regular tap water fizzy, no plastic bottle or recycling fee necessary. The sleek gadget fits perfectly into our office kitchen decor and comes with CO2 cartridges that can be refilled easily and conveniently at retailers like Walmart and Bed, Bath & Beyond. We control the level of carbonation and even the flavour—the SodaStream offers a tasty variety of syrups that turn plain H2O into cola, orange and other bubbly beverages. For us, a simple slice of lemon works fine.
Goodbye Perrier, hello SodaStream! —Kate LeGresley
Soda Stream, $149 at
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