Lifestyle & Parenting

Do you believe in Malick?

June 15, 2011

Where better to see a new film by the director’s director, Terrence
Malick, than the Lightbox, a cinema built in ode to all other cinemas?

Malick has made, famously, five feature films in thirty-eight years.
This one, Tree of Life, is already reputed to be his
masterworkor, at least, worth the wait. Starring Brad Pitt, Sean Penn
and Jessica Chastain, it attempts to explain nothing less than innocence
and the eternal, refracted in archetypes. It’s the story of a nuclear,
golden family in America’s age of becoming, the 1950s. It’s the story of
America itself. It’s the story of humanity, or Christian humanity. Or
it’s the story of a child.

Any way you see it, see it. SNP

TIFF Bell Lightbox, 350 King St. W., Toronto, find show times here.


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