Lifestyle & Parenting

Five Healthy Eating Hacks

January 5, 2016

Guest contributor Abigail Keeso, co-founder of meal planning platform shares her tips for creating good eating habits that will last beyond 2016. Wanna get started STAT? Make Abigail’s avocado, feta and chickpea salad recipe tonight, and pack the leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

That Clean Life

Healthy eating tip #1. Identify why you want to start eating better in the first place.

Is it to have more energy? Clearer skin? More self-confidence? Write it down and refer back to it when you feel like giving up.

#2. Get rid of the junk and replace it with nutritious food you actually love.

See no junk, eat no junk! Focus on healthy foods you enjoy. Some of my favourites are avocado toast with a poached egg, brown rice tortilla pizzas and chocolate banana ice cream.

#3. Get your friends and family on board.

Create a recipe share, have a crock pot party, take turns making meals for each other and have weekly check-ins to hold each other accountable.

#4. Choose a method of healthy eating that is enjoyable, sustainable and works with your lifestyle.

For some people, this means following a framework like Paleo or clean eating. For others, it might mean skipping the diet label all together and eating whole foods. Just make sure that the approach you take is one you will be able to maintain over time.

#5. Plan Ahead.

Set aside an hour or two every week to plan your meals, grocery shop and do some basic food prep. You’ll be much more likely to be successful and stick to the plan! —Abigail Keeso

Check out That Clean Life’s 21-Day Transformation Program which provides three weeks of budget-friendly, quick-and-easy meal plans with itemized grocery lists, prep guides and a support group.


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