Lifestyle & Parenting

Mom-fluencer: Sunita Padda

May 4, 2019

This May, we’re honouring motherhood by chatting with some of our favourite mom bloggers, influencers and content creators about the highs, the lows and the many moments in-between. —Vita Daily

sunita padda

Hi Sunita! Tell us a little bit about you and what do you do!?

I’m a wife and mom of two adorable little boys. I am also the founder of Manners&Co., which is a company that creates products for kids that teach manners in a fun and interactive way! Our product line includes our interactive TableMAT that shows kids where everything at the table goes, along with great reminders! And our TableTALK is a set of 135 conversation cards split into seven categories: Philanthropy, Community, School, Friendship, Family, Self, and World! These open-ended questions are designed to spark conversation at the dinner table for families.

How do you use your platform to impact other moms—and parents—who follow you?

I like to use my platform as a way to bring light to the excitement and struggles of being a “mompreneur”. Running a business and raising children is a unique balancing act that doesn’t always receive a lot of attention. I hope to be a figure that exposes the ups and downs of having real babies and a “business baby”.

What’s your personal style/beauty mantra?

My personal style is classic. Stocking my closest with investment pieces that are timeless and chic is something I am really focusing on! My beauty mantra is similar. I love the natural beauty look and luckily so, because I sometimes only have five minutes flat to do my makeup while my boys are pulling me out of the bathroom! A tinted moisturizer, dry shampoo and a coat of mascara can often do the trick on a busy morning!

What would the Mother’s Day of your fantasies be? And what, in reality, does Mother’s Day usually look like at your house?

I feel really lucky to have a partner who ensures I get my “me” time, so my perfect Mother’s Day wouldn’t involve a solo day at the spa but, rather, spending interrupted time with my family. My ideal day would be doing something outdoorsy with my family, such as hiking. In reality, though, we have an 18-month-old, so this might also involve a bit more planning along the way such as timing naps and finding kid-friendly spots! I have learned that being flexible and staying positive to changes in plans is the key to being happy at the end of a family-packed day!

Did motherhood come easy to you, or were there challenges (if so, any in particular you’d like to share)?

I started my business while working on my masters degree when I gave birth to my first son, Zane. My challenges, as a result, were quite different from other moms. I was awake working on term papers while working on my business plan, and also nursing throughout the night! When I think back I can’t believe I was able to juggle it all. I do think though that in some ways my classes and my business distracted me from the loneliness that new mothers often experience. And vice versa, being a mom and snuggling with my new baby also distracted me from all of my work and the stresses that often come with a startup.

The hardest thing about being a mom? The best thing?

I spend a lot of time with my kids. It’s part of the reason why I started my business because I wanted to have an extremely flexible schedule and be able to do things with them throughout the day. While I have achieved this, I still experience “mom-guilt” when I have to pop out for meetings or go to the office. I think regardless of how much you do for your kids, you always feel like you want to do more! The best thing about being a mom is being able to create amazing memories and traditions that you know your children will take with them for the rest of their lives. We do “Waffle Wednesdays” every week and spend time every evening going through everything we’re grateful for from the day. These are a part of our routines and my eldest son never lets us miss a day!

Follow Sunita on Instagram and her blog.


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