Lifestyle & Parenting

Have Your Dish and Eat it, Too

February 4, 2019

Marissa Bergeron’s career as a flight attendant took her around the world and gave her a chance to taste a wide variety of delicious street food, to boot.

eat the dishes

It also showed her just how much waste takeaway containers, most often composed of plastic and styrofoam, can create. And, on a trip to Europe, she stumbled upon a device—a rather rustic machine that made edible food containers out of a pizza-like dough, minus the yeast—that seemed to solve this problem. Back in Canada, with permission, she tinkered with the contraption to make it more efficient and came up with a positively earth-friendly solution to the problem.

eat the dishes

Operating as Eat The Dishes out of her very new Vancouver test kitchen, this passionate, conscientious vegan has been creating a small, curated menu of zero-waste plant-based street foods (think soup and hot chocolate) and selling them at several markets and expos around the city since January. All come in edible, appropriately flavoured cups (savoury for soup and sweet for hot chocolate) that last for about two-and-a-half hours before they start to disintegrate (plenty of time to chow down!). Marissa plans to keep expanding her vegan menu (olive oil gelato and sundae bars are on her mind for summer) and, eventually, hopes to have brick-and-mortar locations offering carryout (and completely edible) meals. She’s also working on a design for edible cutlery (there’s already a scrumptious spoon!).

This is one delicious, do-good idea that we’ll be watching closely (and savouring) in the months to come! —Noa Nichol


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