Lifestyle & Parenting

Spring vs. Summer Fitness

March 19, 2019

As spring flits in (and out, and in again) our thoughts are turning to changing up our exercise routine along with the weather. We chatted with Barre Belle co-founder Jill Belland about her top spring fitness tips. —Vita Daily

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We all know about getting in shape for summer (hello, "beach bod")—what’s unique about/to spring fitness?

The best part about spring fitness is that warmer weather and longer days eliminates excuses for getting out and increasing your activity level. Training for outdoor activities can also be an excellent motivator when it comes to goal setting for the summer.Even summer vacations and summer wardrobe choices (shorts, swimsuits, tank tops) may increase the drive to get in shape. As the weather gets warmer there are less chances to hide under bulky winter sweaters and heavy coats!

How do spring workouts differ from other seasons?

Many of us are well practised at creating reasons for skipping workouts or scaling back our physical activity when the weather is cold and grey. When the sun is shining we can take on a different mindset of increasing our physical activity by finding things to do that are enjoyable rather than feeling obligated to commit to a workout on an indoor piece of cardio equipment. Your activity should be something to look forward to not dread! Take your workout outdoors and go for a walk, bike ride, or play a sport outside. When spring has sprung we also can take advantage of enjoying the beautiful outdoors so treat yourself to your surroundings and it may improve your mindset to becoming more active.

Your top spring workouts or top spring-workout tips?

One of the best strategies for creating new habits is to create accountability. Plan sweat dates with friends and activity becomes social time and quality time. When you know someone is relying on time with you, it’s easier to keep that drive. Adding any extra minutes to elevating your heart rate and increasing intensity will all contribute to improving your overall fitness level and busting through plateaus. Keep in mind that if your activity of choice contains repetitive motion it’s important to compliment your training with something to balance and strengthen (like barre!). For example if you like to run, bike ride, or hike, add in lateral exercises to strengthen the posterior chain and avoid injury. Stretching is also important in maintaining good range of motion and mobility. What doesn’t bend can break!


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